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Thursday, September 13, 2012

No vacation from workouts

What do you get when you cross a Myrtle Beach vacation with 8:30am golf tee times every day, but remain determined to keep up with half marathon training?  Sunrise runs! be more exact: one hot as hell afternoon run on the first day, then a wiser runner for the rest of the week ;)

This first shot came on a road run around the neighborhoods of Cherry Grove Beach, when I came across a boardwalk out into the Hog Inlet Marsh at the perfect time:

I was fortunate enough to catch another nice one on a beach run, intended as a "trail run" by running on the sloping loose sand away from the water.  It wasn't a trail, but was pretty frustrating having each step slide a few inches, so I guess that made up for is was incredibly windy heading "south".

As you can see, the sun's position looks to be oriented to the North / Northeast (since most east coast beaches generally go north and south), but Myrtle Beach is on quite an angle, and the sun is actually rising in the right spot (who'da thunk it?!)

Luckily, we had zero rain on the entire 7 day MB vacation, but did drive through a serious downpour in Frederick, MD on the way home.  Just as we started to emerge from the other side of the line of thunderstorms, we were surprised to come upon this year's edition of Tough Mudder Mid-Atlantic.  I can't imagine how muddy the parking areas and course must have gotten after this weather.  It does look like the "mudders" are having a good time though...

Up this weekend:  I'm excited to be able to volunteer for the Savageman Triathalon, on Sunday morning.  My friend Ben is competing, but I'll be marking bodies before the swim...definitely looking forward to seeing a race from a completely different perspective!

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